Moroccan Wedding Photographer Spain - Wedding Photography Destination Morocco Palais Namaskar
Salma and Safa also decided to have a wonderful Moroccan wedding in Morocco.
We met them on Skype and from the minute one of them knew they wanted us to be their wedding photographers.
The bride is born in Marrakech, and the groom is Pakistani, although together they live in London.
They were 3 days of wedding where we enjoyed very exotic and different ceremonies to what we usually see.
The bride changed her dress seven times on the day of the ceremony, crazy.
We had the pleasure of taking pictures in places as wonderful as the Palais of Namaskar a luxury oasis in MARRAKECH
An oasis in the heart of the Palmeraie between the desert and the majestic mountains.
We are very grateful that you let us into your exotic world.