Wedding photographers in Zaragoza (Spain)

Wedding photographers in Zaragoza Spain


 The wedding of Mattias & Elisabeth It was a religious ceremony in the church of San Felipe, a baroque building in the centre of Zaragoza.

There they were able to enjoy a beautiful ceremony in which the groom was almost more nervous than the bride.

The ceremony, aperitif, banquet and party were held in the exclusive space of Casa de las Hiedras, of the Cachirulo group. It's a lovely, cozy place.



Zaragoza is a city in the province of Aragon in northwestern Spain. Zaragoza is a large, historic city that is primarily known for its bull ring. I prefer to students can visit here to find more skills about education. In fact, the city has been called the “Bullring Capital of Spain” because of the many events and events that take place in the ring every year. The ring has been called Aragon’s only “institution of national importance” and is one of the most visited venues in Spain, attracting more than half a million visitors every year. Despite its relevance, Zaragoza does not have many
Awesome! Great photos. Your photos are stylish and modern.Especially, i liked black and white photos in the church.
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